Development Team Leader, Senior Software Engineer - web developer of complex ERP-systems of business management
Тема: Рiзне ~ послуги
Цiна: 1000

Works in IT for more than 20 years, from a developer to a development team leader.
Participation in the development and management of projects of varying degrees of complexity and duration.
Development team management, development process planning, task control, project timeline, budget, content, project risk management, project content decomposition, backlog management, sprint planning, project progress monitoring and task completion by the project team.
Optimization of complex workflows of design, development, programming, refactoring and code review.
Design, programming, code refactoring, code review, testing and deployment of applications, frameworks, components, modules, plugins.
Нашi контакти: Добавив: scorpion3dd | Контакт: Denis Email-Пошта Web сайт
Переглядiв: 33 Поновлено 05.09.2023
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